But we're all "growed" up now. Doing adult things like moving far away for a husband's job. So a phone call, an IM session and perhaps this blog post are all the celebrating I'll be doing with Debbie today. That's okay Deb - we'd never last very long out at a club like we used to do anyway! (at least I wouldn't - you know I'd get a headache.)

People don't always GET IT when I call Deb my best friend. She's more than a friend. She's like a sister. But perhaps even more than that since we don't [really] bicker like sisters or have [a lot of] those sibling rivalry feelings. She knows how I feel about something sometimes before I do. We dress alike without confirming it first. We even have the same speech patterns and mannerisms. (Someone asked us if we were twins once!)
Happy Birthday to my bestest friend in the whole wide world! I wish I could be with you today - but I'm with you in my heart.
this post made me cry :( Oh, and it gets better, the NKOTB poster...it was actually a PUZZLE. HA. A poster size puzzle. That's why it was on the ground! LOL. Anyways, I'm so happy and grateful you are Deb's bf forever! :)