So take a look at my next knitting project - the entire outfit on the left... Kidding, of course. But is that not one of the funniest things you've seen lately? I couldn't help myself but take a picture of this unbelievably awesome knit outfit I discovered while flipping through some of my mom's old knitting books. Seriously - that model is ROCKIN' her 'warmers. That's the closest I've seen to "knit pants" ever! I wonder how many ladies-of-the-eighties actually sat down to knit these beauties. WOW.
Title: "Great Classics"
clas·sic (klăs'ĭk) adj.
1. Serving as the established model or standard
2. Having lasting significance or worth; enduring.
Yah, I'm gonna say perhaps not so Classic.
1985 was a good year. Women feathered their hair, and wore fanny-packs, and high waisted jeans and...
.... leg-warmers!
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